
Digital #Entertainment Post

All you need to know about the latest trends and innovations in the economy of online entertainment



Spotify veut avaler #SoundCloud pour mieux croquer la pomme (Libération)

Le jeune géant de la musique numérique pourrait offrir jusqu’à 1 milliard de dollars pour racheter son concurrent. Une étape majeure dans sa stratégie, qui lui a déjà permis de…

[Lire la suite sur Libération]

Playlist A Day Sends You A Different #Spotify Playlist Each Day (TechCrunch)

I like single-use apps, with their inherently low cognitive load. I’m also a huge fan of having other people do work for me. A new app from, the Spotify community and playlist sharing site acquired by Watner Music Group, hits both notes.

Dubbed ‘Playlist a Day’, the iOS and Android app does one thing and one thing only: It… [Read more on TechCrunch]

#WhoSampled taps Spotify to show you who covered, remixed, or sampled your favorite songs (VentureBeat)


WhoSampled isn’t always on the mainstream startup radar, but the London-based company has been building a solid product over the past eight years, one that unearths the veritable spider web of connections between your favorite songs. And with the company’s latest update, users will now be able to… [Read more on VentureBeat]

Why #SoundCloud Will Be Worth More Than Spotify (TechCrunch)

SoundCloud recently announced it struck a long-awaited licensing deal with Universal Music, whose hit roster includes Kanye West, Adele and Taylor Swift. This latest deal provides SoundCloud with 50 percent coverage among the “Big Four” — Warner Brothers also has a deal with SoundCloud; Sony BMG and Sony/ATV are still holding out.

The Universal deal, in addition to… [Read more on TechCrunch]

#Spotify parle d’amour aux agences médias (CBNews)


Spotify lance son application Music Matchmaker. Un outil tout spécialement destiné aux agences média européennes. Il permet aux célibataires qui y travaillent de trouver l’amour à l’occasion de la Saint-Valentin. Disponible dans 12 pays européens dont la France, Music Matchmaker interroge les… [Lire la suite sur CBNews]

La vidéo débarque sur #Spotify (L’Express)

Les vidéos seront des formats courts, disponibles à tous et destinées aux amateurs de musique.

La rumeur enflait, elle désormais confirmée : la plateforme suédoise de musique en ligne Spotify va proposer d’ici la fin… [Lire la suite sur L’Express]

#Amazon rumored to be building a ‘Spotify killer’ (Mashable)

Amazon has eaten away at the publishing industry, upended retail giants and begun to change the world of supply and fulfillment.

Now it may want to do the same to the young, highly competitive and potentially lucrative music streaming industry.

The e-commerce behemoth is said to… [Read more on Mashable]

For #Spotify and Pandora, Connecting Artists to Fans Is Good Business (billboard)

A computer showing Spotify playing “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” by the Beatles. (John Keeble/Getty Images)

With newcomer Apple Music already taking a sizable bite out of the market, competing services Spotify and Pandora hope to differentiate themselves by amping up ways to help artists connect with their fans.

Spotify continues to refine its artist portal feature, which makes… [Read more on billboard]

#Spotify and Genius Team Up to Display Song Lyrics (Fortune)

Photograph by Getty Images

Why not learn a thing or two while enjoying some great songs?

Music streaming service Spotify wants to help users learn more about the songs they listen to, so it’s teamed up with Genius (formerly known as Rap Genius) to provide… [Read more on Fortune]

#Spotify rachète Soundwave et Cord Project pour enrichir ses services (Next INpact)

Spotify vient de racheter deux entreprises afin d’enrichir son offre de streaming musical. Soundwave et Cord Project ont de grandes chances de voir leurs produits disparaître puisque les équipes vont être absorbées et réorientées vers des objectifs précis.

Spotify à beau actuellement régner sur le monde du streaming musical, la société sait que cette place est fragile. Non seulement… [Lire la suite sur Next INpact]

#Spotify is Flying the Company Flag at Half Mast in Memory of David Bowie (Fortune)

The singer died on Sunday.

Music streaming company Spotify is flying it’s company flag at half mast in honor of David Bowie’s passing, a company… [Read more on Fortune]

#Pandora se personnalise pour affronter la concurrence du streaming musical (La Presse)

Si le Suédois Spotify est le leader mondial du streaming, Pandora reste numéro 1 aux États-Unis. Photo Archives Reuters

Pandora, une des figures de proue de la radio sur internet, a présenté lundi une nouvelle fonctionnalité qui permet d’améliorer la personnalisation des choix musicaux, dans l’espoir de conserver ses utilisateurs face à une offre grandissante dans la musique à la demande.

Contrairement à la majorité des sites de streaming (flux sans téléchargement) comme Spotify, qui permettent à l’internaute de… [Lire la suite sur La Presse]

#Spotify Said to Let Some Artists Release Music on Paid-Only Tier (Bloomberg)

Photographer: Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg

Spotify Ltd. will let some artists offer their new releases only on its paid service for a period of time, according to people with knowledge of the matter, in a major concession to music labels.

The move, described as a test by the people, is a departure from… [Read more on Bloomberg]

#WeTransfer music service not a Spotify competitor (nltimes)


According to WeTransfer, its new music service is not a competitor to Spotify or any other music streaming service.

“To be clear, WeTransfer’s new music streaming-solution is… [Read more on nltimes]

#Spotify relance sa formule découverte Premium à 0,99 € (iGeneration)

Spotify réactive pour Noël l’offre découverte de sa formule Premium. Sur une période de trois mois on ne paiera que 0,99 € au total. Ensuite on revient sur un versement mensuel de 9,99 €. La différence entre gratuit et Premium porte sur… [Lire la suite sur iGeneration]

#Spotify ouvre ses statistiques aux artistes pour les convaincre de rester (L’Usine Digitale)

Spotify ouvre ses statistiques aux artistes pour les convaincre de rester
Spotify ouvre ses statistiques aux artistes pour les convaincre de rester

Les artistes ne croient pas vraiment au modèle mi gratuit / mi payant de sites de streaming musical. Spotify active un levier pour tenter de les convaincre : ouvrir (gratuitement) les vannes de la data.

De nombreux artistes considèrent que les sites de streaming musical offrant un accès gratuit financé par la publicité ne sont pas assez rémunérateurs. En 2014, Taylor Swift a (bruyamment) retiré ses titres des plates-formes en ligne, et de nombreux artistes l’ont imitée. Depuis, … [Lire la suite sur L’Usine Digitale]

Les bandes originales débarquent sur l’application #AlloCiné ! (AlloCiné)


L’application mobile s’enrichit désormais des bandes originales de films et séries, en partenariat avec Spotify

Toute la musique cinéma et séries

La toute dernière version de l’application pour smartphones s’enrichit d’une… [Lire la suite sur Allociné]

What #Spotify Can Learn From GoPro (Forbes)


There is growing demand for technologies that blur the boundary between creator and consumer in the music industry. From the abundance of user-generated content on streaming services like SoundCloud and YouTube, to the wide availability of composition hardware such as the Novation Launchpad, to the rise of public music creation and collaboration platforms like… [Read more on Forbes]]

#Spotify a eu un effet parfaitement neutre sur l’industrie musicale (Slate)

Le lancement de la plateforme suédoise n’aurait pas eu d’impact global sur les revenus et profits des labels et maisons de disque.

Spotify ou un modèle de réussite dans un domaine en pleine décrépitude. Pourtant, l’entreprise suédoise est loin de faire l’unanimité. D’un côté, ses défenseurs avancent… [Lire la suite sur Slate]

#Spotify Adds New Curated ‘In Residence’ Radio Shows To Compete With Apple Music’s Beats 1 (Tech Times)


Spotify has added a new feature called “In Residence,” which consists of podcast-like radio shows curated by musical artists. The service appears to be an attempt to compete on some level with Apple Music’s Beats 1 radio station, although the Spotify shows are not aired live.

As the music streaming wars continue to heat up, streaming services are looking to find ways to differentiate themselves from the competition. One of the most successfully-received aspects of… [Read more on Tech Times]

#StreamingMusical : L’écoute en ligne cherche une nouvelle entente (Libération)

Le streaming est en train de devenir le principal moyen d’écouter de la musique en France. Alors que les accords avec Spotify ou Deezer ont surtout profité aux majors, producteurs et artistes ont douze mois pour trouver un compromis sur leur rémunération…

[Lire la suite sur Libération]

I Asked #Spotify Why It Accessed Private Twitter Messages — So It Stopped (Forbes)


Sometimes, all it takes is a little prod from one individual to get a major company to change its ways for the better.

Yesterday, I wanted to share a song by a post-punk band called Protomartyr. When I asked to connect my Twitter with my Spotify account, I had a look at some of the permissions. One stuck out: Spotify wanted access to my private direct messages… [Read more on Forbes]

#YouTube sans pub, c’est possible… en payant… comme sur Netflix, ou Spotify (L’Usine Digitale)


YouTube a présenté sa très attendue version payante : Red. Pour 10 dollars par mois, les abonnés pourront accéder à des vidéos sans publicité, à des productions originales mais aussi à un service de streaming musical. Google veut ainsi concurrencer aussi bien Netflix, que Spotify ou Apple Music

[Lire la suite sur L’Usine Digitale]

First Click: Ok Apple, I’ll quit #Spotify because I’m a sheep (The Verge)

I’m canceling my four-year-old Spotify subscription not because Apple Music is a better overall service than Spotify, but because it’s better for owners of Apple devices. I’m an iPhone owner and I’ve grown accustomed to asking Siri to play specific bands, songs, albums, or playlists. “Hey Siri, play Beats 1 Radio,” I say and she delivers. And when I add a song on my iPhone at the gym, it’s automatically… [Read more on The Verge]

Lady Gaga’s former manager disagrees with Taylor Swift’s crusade against #Spotify (Fortune)

Photography by George Pimentel—LP5/Getty Images

If fans can’t listen to music through free services like Spotify, they’ll turn to piracy, Troy Carter argues.

Pop music superstar Taylor Swift has railed against music streaming services like Spotify, going as far as… [Read more on Fortune]

#Spotify creates playlists based on what your friends have in common (Engadget)

It’s tough to create a playlist that your friend or partner will enjoy just as much as you do, especially if your tastes don’t quite sync up. How are you going to reconcile your fondness for tender folk music with your pal’s addiction to drum-and-bass? Spotify thinks it has… [Read more on Engadget]

#IStandWithAhmed: Spotify Made a Playlist to Honor Ahmed Mohamed (Time)

Click here for playlist
Click here for playlist

Of course Coldplay’s “Clocks” is on there

Ahmed Mohamed, the Texas teenager who was arrested after a teacher mistook his homemade clock for a bomb, has received an outpouring of encouragement and support in the past three days: President Obama told him to… [Read more on Time]

#Spotify has been growing even faster since the launch of Apple Music, according to its CEO (Business Insider)

Spotify‘s growth rate has actually increased since the release of Apple Music, CEO Daniel Ek said Monday, according to Bloomberg.
Apple Music may have started with a heavy helping of hype, but Spotify has by no means sat back and let Apple dominate the streaming music market.

Spotify recently closed another funding round, which gave it $526 million in new cash, and valued it at $8.53 billion. This capital could help Spotify expand beyond music, as… [Read more on Business Insider]

#Spotify lance une nouvelle option qui va plaire aux frimeurs (The Huffington Post)


S’il y a bien une chose que les amateurs de musique aiment faire, c’est clamer haut et fort qu’ils connaissaient l’artiste du moment depuis des années, qu’ils avaient assisté à son premier concert, fait tourner leur première démo… mais qu’aujourd’hui, c’est devenu mainstream. Vous connaissez forcément un frimeur de ce type et la dernière nouveauté de Spotify devrait beaucoup leur plaire.

Mercredi, le service de streaming musical a lancé “Found them first“, un outil qui… [Lire la suite sur The Huffington Post]

#Spotify targets Foo Fighters fans directly with email marketing (Music Business Worldwide)


In what appears to be a first for the company, Spotify has directly emailed Foo Fighters marketing material to the band’s top listeners on the service.

This could be a significant development for record label promotional campaigns in future.

Up until now, Spotify has not allowed… [Read more on Music Business Worldwide]

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