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Dating Apps

4 intense #foreplay apps to get your juices flowing (Mashable)

Image: HEX/Corbis

Some people say sex and smartphones don’t mix. But hear me out.

No longer an intimacy killer, foreplays apps turn your smartphone into your new favorite sex toy. From controlling a vibrator, to helping you talk dirty, exploring… [Read more on Mashable]

La Corée du Sud invente le #Facebook pour couples (Le Point)


Between est une application pour smartphone qui ne s’ouvre (et ne se ferme) qu’à deux. Objectif : nourrir sa flamme dans un monde hyperconnecté.

Comment garder la flamme dans un monde ultraconnecté ? Le pays le plus branché de la planète a trouvé la parade, aussi simple qu’une application smartphone. En Corée du Sud, l’application Between, spécifiquement réservée… [Lire la suite sur Le Point]

#Siren: Dating App Created by Female Artist Aims to Discourage Harassing Guys (artnet)

Female-friendly dating app Siren was created by an artist. Photo: courtesy Siren.
Female-friendly dating app Siren was created by an artist.
Photo: courtesy Siren.

There are plenty of dating apps that aim to hand the reins to women, but now there’s even one that was designed by a female artist.

Siren, named for the mythical beauties who lured sailors to shipwreck on rocky shores, was founded by… [Read more on artnet]

#Rendeevoo Is A Dating App That Cuts Straight To Cocktails (TechCrunch)


Dating apps like Tinder fix the problem of finding someone to go on a date with. But the knock-on effect of that is needing to invest time making small talk on dating apps in order to acquire a date.

U.K. startup rendeevoo, which makes an iOS dating app, aims to ‘fix’ both of these issues in one cocktail-fueled swoop — provided you aren’t someone who… [Read more on TechCrunch]

Leaked: Ashley Madison Mulled ‘$70 Million’ #Grindr Acquisition For Uber Sex Empire (Forbes)


Adultery facilitation website Ashley Madison sought to expand its sex empire by being rather aggressive in the market, and it wanted to appeal to all kinds of sexual orientations, according to files leaked after the devastating attack on the firm.

Amongst the masses of… [Read more on Forbes]

L’application de rencontre Happn s’allie à #Spotify pour draguer en musique (20minutes)


Vous utilisez l’application de rencontre Happn ? Sachez que vous pouvez désormais draguer en chansons. Le concurrent de Tinder s’est allié à la plateforme de musique en streaming Spotify pour intégrer l’envoi de titres à son application. Vous pouvez ainsi envoyer au bel inconnu… [Lire la suite sur 20minutes]

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