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Neil Hunt

L’homme qui se cache derrière les algorithmes de Netflix explique le succès du service de SVOD (L’Usine Digitale)


A l’occasion de son arrivée en France le 15 septembre, tout Netflix a fait le déplacement à Paris. Outre, Reed Hastings,le PDG fondateur, L’Usine Digitale a aussi rencontré le – très discret – Chief Product Officer. Neil Hunt est arrivé il y a 15 ans chez Netflix (deux ans après la création de l’entreprise). Homme clé du géant de la video à la demande, il dirige… [Lire la suite sur L’Usine Digitale]

Netflix chief product officer: ‘a separate, distinct channel for each customer’ (The Guardian)

Neil Hunt, Chief Product Officer for Netflix, speaks during Internet Week in New York May 19, 2014. Photograph: Brendan McDermid/Reuters

Binge-watching is ‘a natural way to consume the story’ says Neil Hunt, who outlines how Netflix develops personalised shows and the company’s stance on net neutrality

Your TV is living in the dark ages.

At least, that’s according to Neil Hunt, the chief product officer at Netflix.

Hunt, who delivered a keynote speech at the 2014 Internet Week in New York, predicts that personalization and on-demand viewing and streaming are really the way of the future when it comes to entertainment. They are also part of his plan to have Netflix defeat its… [Read more on The Guardian]

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