
Digital #Entertainment Post

All you need to know about the latest trends and innovations in the economy of online entertainment


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Mobile #Branding Goes Dark (AdWeek)

Incognito Apps
Incognito Apps

Hulu, Universal Pictures among brands using anonymous apps to target consumers

It seems counterintuitive that advertisers would be interested in anonymity-based platforms in an age of Facebook hypertargeting. But is the latest in a… [Read more on AdWeek]

TV networks looking to keep ads relevant (USA Today)


Dish Network’s Hopper With Sling DVR (free with subscription package) records six programs simultaneously with its PrimeTime Anytime feature that stores all of the nightly series on ABC, CBS, Fox and NBC. You can also watch any live or recorded content on your set-top box when you are on the go, as long as you are connected to the Net.(Photo: Dish Network)


TV advertising refuses to be ignored.

Advertising on TV has been maligned and undermined by the hubbub over the ascent of mobile viewing and “time-shifting,” or recording shows on DVR to be viewed later. Nearly three-… [Read more on USA Today]

#Spotify unveils video ad products (MarketingWeek)

digital entertainment marketing post spotify coca cola

Cannes2014: Spotify has unveiled three new video-based advertising products it is testing with Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Samsung, Ford and Kraft.

The three new formats are:… [Read more on MarketingWeek]

#Tango Brings Publishers And Brands Into Its Mobile Messaging App With Tango Channels (TechCrunch)

Mobile messaging company Tango is announcing a new way for companies like Spotify and 500px to push updates and content to consumers through a service called Tango Channels.

At first blush, this might sound like a new ad program, but that’s not exactly it. Turns out that… [Read more on TechCrunch]

La publicité vidéo fait son apparition dans la version française de #Facebook (Le Figaro)

Des publicités d’une durée maximale de 15 secondes seront lues automatiquement lorsque l’utilisateur consultera sa page d’accueil. Facebook promet un ciblage précis grâce à sa fine connaissance de son public.

Les spots de pub arrivent sur Facebook. Testés en fin d’année dernière aux États-Unis, avant un lancement de… [Lire la suite sur Le Figaro]

If you’re going to watch videos and play games, might as well earn some rewards for it, says Swagbucks (VentureBeat)

Image Credit: Shutterstock

Getting rewarded for anything is easily appealing, especially when it’s for spending money or doing activities one would do anyways such as playing games or streaming videos. And this is exactly what Swagbucks has built its profitable business on.

Today, the company is announcing that… [Read more on VentureBeat]

TV Ad Dollars Slowly Shifting to Web Video (The Wall Street Journal)

Matt Ryan as the title character in NBC’s new show ‘Constantine.’ NBC

Several major advertisers, including MasterCard, Mondelez International and Verizon Wireless in the past year have moved a portion of the money they previously spent on television to online outlets, conscious that viewers are more frequently watching video online, ad executives say. And with online outlets in recent weeks unveiling plans to ramp up their programming, more shifts are likely, say media buyers.

Money for online video is “definitely coming out of… [Read more on The Wall Street Journal]

Some publishers let readers pay to go ad-free (Digiday)

The decline in display ad revenue is forcing digital publishers to experiment with new revenue models, many of which are centered around novel ways of getting readers themselves to pony up.

One model a few publishers have experimented with is the “freemium” approach of companies like Spotify and Pandora, which offers two service tiers: a free, ad-supported one and a paid ad-free version that often comes with added perks. The model has been an… [Read more on Digiday]

#EndlessTV Serves Up Free Web Video to Your Phone, Minus the Ads. How Long Can That Last? (Re/Code)

digital entertainment marketing endless tv logo

Lots of people are trying to figure out ways to help people “discover” digital video, and lots of them don’t work because they don’t solve a real problem: Most folks have no trouble “discovering” video on their own.

But EndlessTV, a new mobile video app that’s available to the public today, has an interesting take on the idea. It’s… [Read more on Re/Code]

How Much Is That Ad View Worth When the TV Show Is a Week Old? (BusinessWeek)

The dramatic growth of on-demand TV viewing—The Voice when you want it, not when NBC (CMCSA) dictates—is causing some advertisers to reevaluate the value of shows as much as a week after they’re initially broadcast.

For years, television advertising has been based on a viewing window called C3, the live broadcast of a show plus the following three days. That’s when most of an audience shows up, and it’s the “currency” on which networks typically guarantee a certain number of viewers and for which advertisers pay. Yet evidence is growing that… [Read more on BusinessWeek]

#Mobile And Video: The Next Power Couple (Millenium CEO)

Far too often today content we come across contains an overdose of hyperbole. Be it in the form of a headline and/or the content itself, we are constantly faced with exaggerations gone wild when it comes to the world of marketing, PR and news — particularly if the word mobile is added to the mix.

That being said, I am sure there are some out there who had visions of hyperbole dancing in their heads when they read the title of a recent Business Insider article, sponsored by Ooyala: “We Are Entering The Golden Age Of Mobile Video.

Usually such lofty praise of “golden age” is reserved for the truly special and monumental type of announcements and pronouncements, right?

The article contains… [Read more on Millenium CEO]

Steve Jobs biographer: Why online media turned to ads — and why that failed (VentureBeat)

Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs’s biography, is out with a new book on tech luminaries. In an excerpt provided to the Webby Awards as part of its Web @ 25 initiative, Isaacson describes how the web’s founders ultimately failed to build a payment model that might have saved the beleaguered news industry.

“At Time Inc., we initially planned to charge a small fee or subscription, but Madison Avenue ad buyers were so enthralled by the new medium that they… [Read more on VentureBeat]

#Amazon Fire Smartphone may come with Prime Data Plan including free movie, tv, and music streaming (Ecumenical News)

Amazon’s first smartphone is a rumor that does not like to stop. Recently, new images from BGR show the “Fire” device in a protective casing. It has leaked online and has been confirmed to have a 3D software and six cameras. There are whispers circulating in the industry suggesting that the online retail titan will release its “fire phone” this summer.

These days, choosing a mobile device is more about digital platforms, native apps and even appeals of digital assistants, and not just mere device specs and designs. If the rumors about Amazon’s first smartphone is true, CEO and founder of would want to… [Read more on Ecumenical News]

How #Facebook Can Make Money From Your Gossip (Wired)

Rumors that Facebook was exploring a partnership with Secret–one of a new breed of online services that let you send messages anonymously–puzzled many people. It wasn’t simply that Facebook had spent years trying to keep anonymous communication off its popular social network. The bigger puzzle was that… [Read more on Wired]

#Facebook’s Mobile Ad Network Is Called “Facebook Audience Network” And Here’s How It Works (TechCrunch)

digital entertainment marketing facebook audience network

Next week at f8, Facebook will unveil Facebook Audience Network, its mobile ad network that will let developers target both standard banners and custom ad units with Facebook’s vast trove of personal data, according to multiple sources. It could let developers monetize, advertisers buy more mobile impressions than News Feed can fit, and Facebook earn money without cluttering its own apps with more ads.

Facebook began testing a mobile ad network in 2012. Because it was just… [Read more on TechCrunch]

Mobile Ads on #Twitter Will Now Promote App Downloads (Mashable)

digital entertainment marketing twitter

You will soon start seeing ads on Twitter’s mobile app for other apps.

The company announced a mobile app install suite on Thursday, which leverages Twitter’s 2013 MoPub acquisition to let marketers advertise both on Twitter and off Twitter.

Twitter officially announced… [Read more on Mashable]

Here’s how #Google can boost the mobile ad market (VentureBeat)

Above: Brendon Kraham, left, director of emerging ad sales and product strategy at Google, speaks to Omar Hamoui, a partner at Sequoia Capital, at VentureBeat’s Mobile Summit in Sausalito, Calif., on April 15. Image Credit: Michael O’Donnell/VentureBeat

SAUSALITO, Calif. — Google doesn’t know everything about the world, but it does know this: Some companies don’t buy mobile ads in bulk. Not yet, at least.

Googlers have come up with some good ideas about how to make ad buyers more comfortable with mobile platforms. And no, they don’t involve slashing prices, as Google has been doing with cloud-based file storage and public cloud infrastructure for running web applications.

Google’s ideas about mobile advertising are… [Read more on VentureBeat]

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